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Michael Becker Workshop in Creston

I recently had the immense pleasure of hosting Michael Becker in Creston, BC for a teacher workshop.  This idea started in August of 2016 at the Bullock's Homestead , at an Advanced Permaculture Design Course.  I was talking with a some of the other participants about my work with school gardens and trying to figure out how to take this work to the next level.  The answer of course, was to invite Michael Becker up to lead a workshop targeted at school teachers! After running the idea by Michael, I joined forces with Paris of Fields Forwar d and we created a small working group of four people to organize the event.  We had help along the way from Columbia Basin Environmental Educators Network (CBEEN), Yaqan Nukiy School, and RDCK Area B. The workshop was held at Yaqan Nukiy School during April 8-9, for 35 participants.  Of these participants, 23 were school teachers and the rest were community educators.   Most participants were from the Col...

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